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Djanogly Sherwood Academy

Where Everyone Belongs

English Language Support

Language Support


At Djanogly Sherwood Academy we believe it is important to take an interest and embrace the language of others. Did you know that there are over 6800 languages spoken across the world! There are over 30+ common different languages spoken in Nottingham and 55% of children who attend Djanogly Sherwood Academy speak another language other than English. 


Djanogly Sherwood Academy is a place where everyone belongs. Together we create a culture of respect and collaboration where diversity and individuality are celebrated. We believe that trusting relationships are the key to nurture and support talents and skills. 


Although we are a very multi-cultural and diverse school we are seeing an increase in pupils with English as an Additional Language (EAL). As the numbers grow we are using a wider variety of support and intervention strategies to support those new to English and to support them to reach age related expectations by the time they leave our school and move onto secondary school. 


How will we support your child who is New to English?


  • Pupils and parents are invited to visit before admission and will be introduced to staff
  • Data is gathered with as much information as possible, to maintain the progress of newly arrived children, including previous schooling, languages spoken, and any other need the pupil has.
  • We assess children's language acquisition as they start in order to give us a baseline judgement
  • A buddy is chosen to support EAL pupil's in class and help with any routines through the day, a visual timetable is also provided
  • A period of orientation will be allowed for the child to settle into his/her new environment (Usually two weeks)
  • EAL teaching and learning takes place within all lessons and subjects
  • Intervention and groupings  will be discussed with appropriate staff
  • For ‘new to English’ pupils, the Nottingham City framework for EAL language levels will be used to plan appropriate support and interventions. 
  • Our more able pupils will follow the school curriculum (with support in class) and may be withdrawn for support with any subject specific vocabulary during A4L time.