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Djanogly Sherwood Academy

Where Everyone Belongs

Late/Absence Procedures



Our school’s expectations and rules around attendance are based on the new legislation ‘Working together to improve school attendance’ which came into force on the 1st September.


Parent Expectations


  • Ensure that children attend school on a regular basis – we aim for 96% attendance at our school
  • Ensure that children are not late to school. Registers close at 8:55am. Any child who arrives after 9:15am will be marked as ‘late after register closes’ which will affect their overall attendance percentage.
  • We expect parents to contact the main office if a child is unwell, if we do not hear from you your child’s absence will be marked as unauthorised
  • If your child appears to be struggling with attendance then we will contact you with an official letter.
  • We will also request that where possible medical evidence to be provided, for example Hospital appointment letters, texts message appointment confirmations or appointment cards.


If your child is absent from school please telephone the school office on 0115 9421301 on the first morning of absence giving the reason why your child will not be attending school that day.




