It’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other and I just wanted to say a big hello and to let you know how much I am thinking of you every day. You have all been doing such an important job by staying at home to keep yourselves and others safe. I know that you are missing your teachers and friends but I am SO proud of the way you have dealt with this. Quite simply “YOU ARE ALL AMAZING” and that’s one out of many reasons why I am missing you all!
What a lot of interesting and lovely projects you’ve all been up to whilst you’ve been at home. I am really pleased you have been able to go outside to learn and play too in this lovely weather.
One of the things I am missing the most is spending time with you in your classrooms and joining in with your lessons. You know how much I enjoy seeing your work. So – if you have any finished projects or written work that you are proud of and you would really like me to see then you can send them in for me to have a look at and print for my WOW wall. Ask your parents to send them into me at admin@sherwood.djanogly.org
Keep working hard but have lots of fun too – READ EVERY DAY, play outside, be active and enjoy the sunshine, look after everyone in your family and remember to be kind to your parents – they are working hard as well.
Take care and stay safe.
Mrs Keen