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Djanogly Sherwood Academy

Where Everyone Belongs

Early Years Foundation Stage

Early Years Foundation Stage

Welcome to the Djanogly Sherwood Academy Early years page. This is an important stage in children's lives as it is the start of their journey into learning and where they can develop into happy, confident and independent learners.

Our Early Years Vision

We believe that every early year’s child is unique and has the right to learn through play.  We provide a rich and enabling environment, where children feel they belong, are understood, and are inspired to succeed.  We know that this requires skilful interactions by knowledgeable adults to build the foundations for life.

At Djanogly Sherwood Academy our Early Years journey starts from 2 years old with our Little Acorns provision. When children turn 3 they move into our Foundation Unit where they join Nursery and then Reception.


In all of our Early Years Provision we use Development Matters and Early Years Outcomes to plan and assess  purposeful play opportunities for all children.


Children learn skills, acquire new knowledge and demonstrate their understanding through 7 areas of learning and development.  These are split in to prime and specific areas:

Prime areas

  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Specific areas

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Art and Design


In Little Acorns we focus on the Prime Areas of learning and then move on to the other areas once the children start in Ebury Class.


As well as these the curriculum also develops the 3 characteristics of effective learning.  These are

  • Playing and Exploring
  • Active Learning
  • Creating and Thinking Critically

Our Early Years Curriculum


At Djanogly Sherwood Academy we deliver our Early Years curriculum through planned, purposeful play as well as direct whole class and small group teaching activities.  Play activities are planned to meet the needs of the children and linked to their interests. This is done in partnership with parents, who are involved in their children's learning every step of the way. Staff use their knowledge of the children’s schemas, interests and fascinations to plan ‘in the moment’ and to inform future planning. Learning takes place both inside and outside, using the environment and a variety of open ended resources. Staff use quality interactions to teach the children in their play and to move their learning on.

Our Early Years Environments


Children learn best through play and our Early Years classrooms provide children with a wide range learning opportunities. They are organised into areas of provision that support the 7 areas of learning.  Each area is carefully planned for so that children get the most out of the resources provided. They are regularly enhanced to support children's interests and seasonal themes.
