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Djanogly Sherwood Academy

Where Everyone Belongs


Curriculum Implementation

We use a number of pedagogies to ensure that we meet our curriculum intent; these are used when we plan our curriculum to inspire for our learners.

  • Each unit of learning incorporates a day to hook and engage the children.
  • The ‘Elements of Discussion’ are used to develop children’s oracy and discussions and supports our EAL children to learn classroom routines using non-verbal interactions.
  • Writing has a clear purpose and audience.
  • Our maths curriculum includes opportunities for fluency, reasoning and problem solving – children ‘grapple’ with difficult concepts and investigate the best methods and strategies to solve them.  Anchor tasks are used to introduce mathematical themes and concepts.
  • Each half term starts with a school values day, where children focus on one of the 5R’s as well as elements of our RSHE curriculum.
  • Every child is part of a ‘House’ team; Oak, Pine, Sycamore, Elm or Aspen. They meet together each half term to develop team work skills and have the opportunity to take part in house competitions during sports day.
  • Every child in Year 4 has the opportunity to learn a musical instrument.
  • We offer a broad range of extra-curricular activities which go beyond the school day. 
  • We offer a range of enrichment activities that go beyond the classroom (school council, mini police, Leaders at all levels, Djanogly Dozen experiences, curriculum choice days, school trips and visits, competitions, fundraising). These opportunities build throughout the school years with a individual enrichment offer for each year group. 

Whole School Curriculum Long Term Plan
