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Djanogly Sherwood Academy

Where Everyone Belongs


Curriculum Intent

At Sherwood our 'Curriculum to Inspire' is based on our 5 R values that underpin all the learning and experiences that the children receive. 

These are our 5Rs:







Every aspect of our curriculum embodies these values – in the classroom, the corridor and the playground. Our school curriculum allows children to be safe and happy in school and understand how to keep themselves and others safe. It empowers them to take risks without failure and express and manage their emotions. It raises the aspirations of our learners by offering a range of experiences: each child will aim to complete the ‘Djanogly Dozen’ in their 7 years at Djanogly Sherwood Academy and enables them to cultivate an interest and knowledge of the world around them. We provide children with subject specific vocabulary and knowledge that allows them to build links and enhance learning. Children take pride in their work and challenge themselves to do better.


Our cultural capital is underpinned by 5 Conceptual Strands. Substantive and Disciplinary knowledge is embedded across the 5 strands and are clearly identified within our whole school curriculum within subject specific progression documents. Our conceptual strands focus on developing children’s understanding of the concept of ‘Power’, the impact of women in history, our local area of Nottingham, the importance of environmental concerns and the importance and impact of innovation. All of our conceptual strands are linked to specific areas of our cultural capital.


We know that children learn in different ways and at Sherwood we provide a rich and varied curriculum that allows children to develop to their full potential. We use a variety of teaching strategies that include but are not limited to:

  • Investigation and problem solving
  • Research
  • Group and paired work
  • Creative activities
  • Trips and visitors to inspire
  • Debate, role play and oral presentations

Whole School Curriculum Long Term Plan
