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Djanogly Sherwood Academy

Where Everyone Belongs

Albany, Elton, and Hedley




Who you will meet: 

Miss Doy - Y1 Teacher

Mrs Khan- Y1/2 Teacher

Mrs Johnson - Y2 Teacher

Mrs Hallam - PPA Teacher (W, Th, F)

Mrs Seed - Cover Teacher


KS1 Teaching Assistants

Mrs Walters

Miss Bracey

Miss Neale

Mrs Sewell



Dates for your diary: 

Monday 6th January - INSET Day

Tuesday 7th January - Children Return to school

3-7th February - Children's Mental Health week

Friday 7th February - Music Day

Thursday 13th February - School Disco

Friday 14th February - End of half term

17th - 21st February - Half Term




 Here at Djanogly Sherwood, we value reading and take every opportunity to promote reading in our classrooms through lessons and reading for pleasure! 


We aim for children to read 4 times at home and to write this in their reading diaries.

If your child reads often they will receive a RED TED Prize.


Useful websites: 
