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Djanogly Sherwood Academy

Where Everyone Belongs


Curriculum Impact

You will see the success of our curriculum in the following ways:-


  • Pupil conferencing where you will see children who are happy, engaged, motivated to do well and challenged in their learning.
  • Learning walks where you will see evidence of our values in action.
  • Assessment data showing that in all year groups and classes, children achieve their agreed target ranges. We use a triangulation of daily retrieval, fortnightly quizzes and key knowledge from knowledge organisers to show how our children know more and remember more. 
  • Planning that allows for a range of experiences where children gain substantive and disciplinary knowledge.
  • Books that show children making good progress from their various starting points.
  • Parent surveys showing that parents are happy with the curriculum we provide.
  • Learning environments that are rich in language to support children’s learning, support independence and promotes pride in children’s work.
  • Behaviour around school shows our children are embodying the school values.


The teaching of reading is based on phonics and proven approaches from our reading recovery programme. Children are taught phonics on a daily basis using the ‘Little Wandle’ programme with phonetically decodable  books alongside a reading for pleasure book. In Key Stage 2 ‘catch up’ sessions are used to support children new to English and for any children who didn’t meet the required standard in Key stage one. 


Children have individual reading books which they are encouraged to read both at home and school. We use RED TED and reading incentives to reward children who read regularly at home. Reading skills are taught within phonics, Book of the Week or English lessons. Class books are selected to engage and to develop skills and knowledge, where appropriate they are linked with Curriculum topics.


If you'd like to know more about what your children are learning then please have a look at the class pages.

Whole School Curriculum Long Term Plan
