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Djanogly Sherwood Academy

Where Everyone Belongs

Hamilton, Gawthorne, and Shaftsbury

We look forward to welcoming the children back to year five and six (also known as upper key stage two or UKS2) this half term. We are excited for another year of learning and lots of fun. Thank you for your continued support in helping your children thrive at school. Please ensure  your child attends school every day and ready for an 8.40am prompt start.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to your child's class teacher. 


Autumn Term 2nd September - 18th October 


Focus unit of learning- Biomes of Africa




Newsletter and Homework Menu

Who you will meet:

Mrs Winrow -Shaftsbury Class teacher

Ms Porter -Hamilton Class Teacher

Mrs Helliwell -Gawthorne Class Teacher

Mrs Mishra and Miss Chapman- Year 5/6 Teaching Assistants 

Mr Brothwood-PPA cover in Hamilton and Gawthorne

Mrs Christensen - PPA cover in Shaftsbury


Dates for your diary: 


See the newsletters for even more dates!


Friday 7th June - Year 6 Sleepover

Wednesday 19th June - Rockstar Day

Thursday 20th June - Class Photos and Year 6 Graduation Photos

Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd July - Transition Days

Thursday 4th July - Summer Fair 

Wednesday 24th July - Year 6 Leaver's Assembly





