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Djanogly Sherwood Academy

Where Everyone Belongs

Ebury, Beech and Regent

We believe that every early year’s child is unique and has the right to learn through play.

We provide a rich and enabling environment, where children feel they belong, are understood, and are inspired to succeed.

We know that this requires skilful interactions by knowledgeable adults to build the foundations for life.

Autumn 2 - Beech and Regent

Welcome back, we hope you had a fantastic half term holiday and are ready to continue with out learning for this term! 

At the end of this term Mrs Keeble will be going on maternity leave as she will be having her baby in January. We are very excited to meet baby Keeble and she will update you on how she is doing once baby Keeble arrives :) 


This term we will be celebrating: 



Bonfire Night

Children in Need



Please scroll down the page to find all the important dates for this term. We have lots of exciting things coming up! 


This term we are wanting our children to be confident with their name writing. Please is you can practice at home too by using the name cards provided in their starter packs that we gave to each child before they started with us, this will support their confidence with this. 


We celebrate reading within our school and each child take home both a reading book and a reading for pleasure book. It is important to read these books at home to promote both a love for reading and to practice their phonics skills. The reading for pleasure book is a story for you to enjoy together, not for the children to try and read. Each child has their own reading diary and if you write in here each time you read you child will get rewards! :) 


Red Ted awards:

10 reads = reading certificate 

25 reads = a red ted bear 

40 reads = bookmark

50 reads = accessory 

75 reads = accessory

100 reads = book 

125 reads = red ted picnic


Our Drawing club focus for this term will be:

Nobot The Robot

Goldilocks and the 2 Bears

Super Ted

Not now Bernard


The Snowman




Spring 1 - Ebury


Welcome back! We hope you have had a lovely half-term break and are relaxed and ready for more interesting and awesome learning here in Ebury class! We have some exciting stories this half-term such as, One Snowy Night, Handa's Surprise, where we will have the chance to try some of the tasty fruits from the story, and the classic tale of Little Red Riding Hood.


In phonics are we now moving on to learning letter sounds- d, g, o, c, k, e and also learning to hear oral blending.


In math we are going to be continuing to look at more complex repeated patterns and then moving onto number 3.


We are very much looking forward to another half-term of learning and growing together!


Mrs Curwood, Mrs Khan and Miss Davis


Who you will meet:

Miss Palmer - Foundation Lead

Mrs Curwood - Ebury class teacher 

Mrs Jones - Regent class teacher (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday)

Mrs Blundell - Regent Class teacher (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)

Mrs McPherson - Beech class teacher

Mrs Wardle - Teaching assistant

Mrs Khan - Teaching assistant

Miss Davis - Care assistant 

Miss Griffiths - Care assistant

Dates for your diary: 




13th November – Parents evening

20th November – Pantomime (pm)

27th November – Curriculum Choice Day

5th December – Christmas Fair

11th December – Christmas dinner

12th December – Christmas performance (pm)

13th December – Christmas performance (am)

18th December – Christmas Party Day

20th December – Break up


Brilliant Books 


Please see our 'Brilliant Books' poster below. This displays the books that are deemed the best books currently for this age group of children. 

We have all of these books displayed in our room and our children will have the opportunity to explore them in the environment and read them as part of our story time. 

Our Foundation Unit

Our staff have been working extremely hard to get the Foundation Unit ready for the children.  We can't wait to have them back, using all the resources in the classroom. In Foundation the children learn through play. This means that they may sometimes come home messy. This shows that they have been working hard and had enriching experiences throughout their day. Take a look at the pictures below to see how our classroom is set up.

Useful websites:
