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Djanogly Sherwood Academy

Where Everyone Belongs

Ebury, Beech and Regent

We believe that every early year’s child is unique and has the right to learn through play.

We provide a rich and enabling environment, where children feel they belong, are understood, and are inspired to succeed.

We know that this requires skilful interactions by knowledgeable adults to build the foundations for life.

Autumn 1 - Beech and Regent

Welcome back, we hope you had a fantastic summer holidays and are ready to begin the first half term of this school year :)


This term we will be celebrating: 

Harvest Festival



This term is all about the children settling in to their new classroom and building relationships with both their peers and teachers within the unit. We will be introducing our 5R characters which support our children to understand positive behaviours and expectations within our classroom and school.


We celebrate reading within our school and each child take home bot a reading book and a reading for pleasure book. It is important to read these books at home to promote both a love for reading and to practice their phonics skills. The reading for pleasure book is a story for you to enjoy together, not for the children to try and read. Each child has their own reading diary and if you write in here each time you read you child will get rewards! :) 


Red Ted awards:

10 reads = reading certificate 

25 reads = a red ted bear 

40 reads = bookmark

50 reads = accessory 

75 reads = accessory

100 reads = book 

125 reads = red ted picnic


Our Drawing club focus for this term will be:

Colour Monster 

Three Little Pigs x2  

Wacky Races 

The Tiger Who Came To Tea 

Trap Door 

Funny Bones  




Autumn 1 - Ebury


I would like to welcome new and old children to Ebury for our first half of the Autumn term. We have lots of fun activities to get you settled into class with our first week focusing on our 5 R's- relationships, how to be reflective, resourceful, resilience and respectful. We have some great books that we will be focusing on. These being, 'Wow said the Owl', our traditional tale 'The Three Little Pigs', 'My Mum and Dad Make Me Laugh' and 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?'


We have also had lots of amazing new resources delivered to help enhance our play, which we can not wait to introduce to you!


We are looking forward to seeing you and having a great start to the year as a class.


Mrs Curwood, Mrs Khan and Miss Davis


Who you will meet:

Miss Palmer - Foundation Lead

Mrs Curwood - Ebury class teacher 

Mrs Keeble - Regent class teacher

Mrs McPherson - Beech class teacher

Mrs Wardle - Teaching assistant

Miss Bracey - Teaching assistant

Miss Mulhall - Teaching assistant

Miss Davis - Care assistant 

Mrs Ahmed - Care assistant

Dates for your diary: 





Brilliant Books 


Please see our 'Brilliant Books' poster below. This displays the books that are deemed the best books currently for this age group of children. 

We have all of these books displayed in our room and our children will have the opportunity to explore them in the environment and read them as part of our story time. 

Our Foundation Unit

Our staff have been working extremely hard to get the Foundation Unit ready for the children.  We can't wait to have them back, using all the resources in the classroom. In Foundation the children learn through play. This means that they may sometimes come home messy. This shows that they have been working hard and had enriching experiences throughout their day. Take a look at the pictures below to see how our classroom is set up.

Useful websites:
