Frequently Asked Questions for opening school wider
Frequently Asked Questions
We are following government health and safety guidance as per:
How do I know my child will be safe? All schools have put in rigorous risk assessments to ensure the best possible care for your children. Children will be taught in small ‘bubbles’ of up to a maximum of 15 to limit contact with others. Staff are working hard to ensure children have separate spaces to work and clearing furniture to make more room. Soft furnishings and materials have been removed and windows and doors will be propped open to support good ventilation. Regular supervised handwashing will take place throughout the day to help stop any spread of the virus. Rigorous cleaning will take place throughout the school day as well as after school.
What’s the safest way to get my child to school? Following government advice the best way to get your child to school is to walk, cycle or use your car. If you need to use public transport you should follow government guidance.
What happens at pick up and drop off times? Only one member per household is allowed to pick up and drop off. Start times will be staggered to avoid queues and parents are asked not to congregate outside the main school entrance. In schools where it is viable, alternative entrances will be created at pick up and drop off times.
When will my child go back to school? Schools will be in touch with up to the minute advice on re-start times for your children based on their year group. If you are a key worker there will be a place at school already for your child.
How will we move around the building safely? Schools will be operating timed one way systems and corridor segregation when needed, to support social distancing. Reception and other high traffic areas will be supervised and managed with social distancing being taken into consideration.
Who will be teaching my child? Children will be taught in small class ‘groups’ up to a maximum of 15. They will be taught by familiar members of staff as much as possible.
What might the new classroom look like? Children will be given an individual workspace and their own materials to work with (where appropriate), with desks spaced further apart to support social distancing. Space or nonessential furniture will have been moved or removed.
What plans do you have in place to support social distancing? Children will be taught in small class bubbles at individual desks – they will as far as possible remain in those bubble groups to support social distancing. Schools will operate one way systems around the corridors. Start times, Lunchtimes and break times will be staggered.
Should my child wear a mask? Masks should not be worn in school. Government advice is to increase handwashing with soap and water, and to practise respiratory hygiene (catch it bin it) to help stop the spread of the virus.
What happens at break and lunch times? Play times will be staggered and children kept within their class bubbles in separate play areas to limit contact with others. At lunchtimes food will be pre- served onto trays and children sat to support social distancing.
How will school be different now? Although the organisation of school will look different we continue to offer our care and support to you at this difficult time. In class we will maintain close to normal practice to support children’s learning and aide their transition back to school. What won’t be different is the care and attention we will give to you and your child.
What happens if someone in their class develops symptoms? Children or staff displaying symptoms should not attend school and should make an appointment to get themselves tested (children over 5 In the event that a child or member of staff displays symptoms of Covid-19 they will be immediately isolated and their parent/carer will be contacted to take them home. That child or member of staff’s fellow household members should also self-isolate for 14 days.
If that child or member of staff tests negative for Covid-19, they can return to school.
What if it is confirmed that someone definitely has COVID-19? If they test positive for Covid-19, the rest of their social bubble group will be told to self isolate for 14 days.
The other household members of that wider group do not need to self isolate unless the child or member of staff they live with develops symptoms. Deep cleaning will take place at the school as appropriate.
How can I help? By supporting our new arrangements and moving mindfully around school, noting signs and keeping socially distant from others. By reporting any family symptoms of coronavirus to school at the earliest opportunity.
What if I decide that I don’t want my child to return to school at this time? This decision is entirely up to you as a family. We are following government guidance and doing everything we can to make school as safe as we can for children and adults alike. School and trust leaders have worked exceptionally hard to completely re-organise school routines, organisation and classroom layouts. However, it is up to you to decide whether you want your child to return. We will not be taking any absence action for the remainder of this academic year.
Will learning activities still be available remotely? Yes, teachers will continue to make learning activities available for all year groups. For those year groups who could return to school, the activities for remote learning will be in line with those being taught in school as much as is possible.
What are you doing to support transition to secondary for Y6 children? We will focus time on preparing children for the move to secondary school and ensuring that they have the necessary knowledge and skills to make a successful transition. We are also working with secondary schools to organise transition days which follow government guidance to ensure they are as safe as they can be.